Hair Loss Thursday is not a fun day. And no, it's not the day that Brit shaved her head. Hair Loss Thursday is the second Thursday after chemo. I've had one Hair Loss Thursday for each of my six chemo being the sixth and final one.
The first Hair Loss Thursday, which took place
fifteen days after my first chemo treatment, put me on the path to my current light bulb-like look. It was not in the least bit interesting to lose my hair. I was forewarned that it would happen. I knew it was coming. Four days before my hair loss began, my scalp hurt. I'm not talking a little hurt here. This was significant sleep stealing pain. I had thick hair...lots of hairs. I believe that the pain was caused by each hair digging up it's root as it prepared to abandon me.
Some women are striking without hair. Remember when
Sigourney Weaver went bald for Alien 3?
Demi Moore shaved her head in GI Jane.
Sinead O'Connor chose the sans hair look for....ah...well, some random reason. These women were the topic of conversation during their own bald phases. They were interesting. They were brave, edgy, and even
gorgeous (well, maybe not
Sinead). I, on the
other hand, am simply bald. I have yet to find a comforting upside to this unwanted condition.
I have leaned a few things since I lost my hair. It takes a lot less time to take a shower now that I don't have hair down to my waist. My ears are much
bigger than I imagined. Wigs are hot. I look much better with short, straight hair. stubble on my head is totally not cool. I have a great shaped skull - but I really didn't need to know this. I look like a chemo patient - oh yeah, that's right, I am a chemo patient. Lastly, I have no desire to be seen without hair. I'm not that secure.
Each Hair Loss Thursday caused some type of hair loss. Now, all but one eyelash has been lost. Most of my eyebrows have disappeared. It's amazing how reptilian I look to myself when I look in the mirror and see no hair, eyelashes or eyebrows. I have to admit I would fit perfectly in a Star Wars movie. I'm not sure what's going to go missing today; possibly my remaining eyebrows. We shall see.
Today is significant because tomorrow is Hair Regrowth Friday!! I know I won't see any new hair growing tomorrow, but it will be happening. Starting tomorrow, normalacy will start to return. I can start thinking about shampoo, conditioner, hair salons, flat irons, and hair styles. Hooray!!
Here are some things to keep in mind if you find yourself in a hair loss situation:
1. Be proactive. Buy wigs before your hair falls out.
2. If your hair is long, have it cut short as soon as possible. This puts you in control. I called on on one of my best friends to cut my hair short...twice. She has been an amazing help to me. On my first Hair Loss Thursday, she told me to put on my wig so that the loose hair would be contained in the wig and not fall all over the place. She is a genius.
3. When you put on your make-up without hair, don't worry if you look overly made up. You will look fine when the wig goes on.
4. Air conditioning blowing on a bald head at night is very uncomfortable. It may be necessary to wear a bed cap.
5. Bed caps can cause headaches.
6. If you open the oven with a synthetic wig on, the wig can melt.
7. Wigs with extremely long hair are impossible to brush out.
8. Hold on to your hair if you are riding in a fast boat.
9. Use
barrettes when wearing a wig. It makes the wig look more realistic.
10. Short haired wigs are much
easier to wear and care for.
11. The wig may have to be taken in, by stitching some of the fabric tighter, if it is too big for your head.
12. When your hair starts falling out, shaving it off is the easiest thing to do. Don't shave the hair all the way to the scalp; leave just a little to avoid ingrown hairs.
13. Keep your sense of humor. This too shall pass.